Forums - Justin Wong who is he and what's up with his mag Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Justin Wong who is he and what's up with his mag ( Posted by LoserBoy on 04:25:2001 09:39 AM: i've been hearing about Justin who is the man with Mag. Doesn anybody know where i can get a video or dl any of his matches? Posted by ssj4sonvegeta on 04:25:2001 03:44 PM: they have no movies on him and his magneto is the stuff and he is only 15 Posted by Nate X Grey on 04:25:2001 04:10 PM: That's why I'm waiting for the B5 tape! I can't wait to see the best Magneto in the world! I'm sure I can learn ALOT just by watching him in action. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:25:2001 04:31 PM: oh yeah btw he is the man who won a tourney w/ his "newbie team" cyclops, tron, and marrow... Posted by Mana_boy on 04:25:2001 06:31 PM: This guy as the best magneto but if he knew the trick my friend does with Mag. Justin would be invincible i swear. Posted by SeaTowN_PlaYa on 04:25:2001 06:41 PM: And what trick is that? If hes the best Magneto player, then im sure he knows that trick.. Posted by nex2me on 04:25:2001 07:06 PM: re-post... ...Justin plays mostly at CF. He goes down to Philly and the breaks everyonce and a while. You might not find much footage of his matches because most of them are just not recorded. His Mag is VERY GOOD, but he is not limited to just that one charecter. He has set and pushed the bar in that game time and time again. I mean you watch people play MvC2 and some are just copy hacks of each other or what they have seen someo one else do. Justin along with E.Lee, Mike D, and Arthro all keep each pther on check around here. Not to mention that there are alot of others that come to CF and may not be top ranking people but they still kick ass. If you ever get the chance stop by CF on a friday between 4-9pm. Also about his Mag.....most of the Mags that you see on the EC have on some way shape or form been influenced bu Justins. Not to sound cocky for him or anything like that but he really does come up wit his own shit almost on a daily basis. When he pulled that Mag/Cammy combo, or that OTG hyper grab combo, or even the basic temepst combo took less than a week before I saw people picking Mag as a charecter all over NY. And as far as Tron and Mag go, O.J. and his infinate with those two charecters has to be one of the hardest to time combos to do. Posted by NJzFinest on 04:25:2001 07:10 PM: You should see justin's Marrow/Guile/Tron team. AMAZING. He took out a high rated player who used magneto/storm/cammy Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:25:2001 07:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest You should see justin's Marrow/Guile/Tron team. AMAZING. He took out a high rated player who used magneto/storm/cammy He uses tron proj. right? I can understand how he won. Tron Proj is so good against rushdown, and each time you land it it's a free combo as well. I like to see him beat a trap team instead with Marrow/Guile/Tron. Posted by EternalDarkness on 04:25:2001 08:55 PM: It talks about him in the new tips and tricks issue the april one. He's liked ranked 4th in the USA with his Cable/Magneto/Cammy. He kicked ass in a tournament i heard. He only lost once. Posted by nex2me on 04:25:2001 08:59 PM: ............ well not like the Sprial/BH/Sent. team is a trap team is not something everyone has seen or even the very killer Strider/Doom/?????? team and I have seen Justin kill those tems with (not easy) but with skill that just leaves you saying how the....he just....WTF, he is one of the few people that I think really understand the total games innerworking down to a "T". (not that there is no one else that knows the games as well as he does) Why only 4th place. I guess we will get the real ranking after B5 for the world. Posted by Amdabes on 04:25:2001 09:57 PM: Why isn't this guy on SRK? I'd like to talk to him, maybe learn something about Mag. And he 15, heh, I'm 14 and I'm one of the best, if not, the best Mag player in Virginia (even though I don't encounter a lot of good Mag players around here). Posted by nex2me on 04:25:2001 10:03 PM: well....... I will ask him why he doesn't post. My best advice, Loserboy, is to either take a weekend trip to NY and play your ass off. Other than that you will have to definately have to make it to ECC. Posted by ssj4sonvegeta on 04:25:2001 10:23 PM: I think he does post... Posted by sayiajin1 on 04:25:2001 10:44 PM: i played him back when he was unknown. he served me with zangief,collosus,and jugernaut. he then played some cheap cable/cyclops/ironman team and theres no way to really beat that with his characters so he broke out the real team and sent that guy home. hes even good on that agetech stick on the consoles although he dosent have a dc. how the fuck do you get that good without any practice at home. i guess its excessive practice. well you should come on a friday night and witness all of the good players like sabin, mike d, sanford, and a bunch of other people that are good. you can also witness people copying his team and not using them the proper way at all. people like that have no concept of real rushdown with mag and storm and lose to a team with ken on it. youd be surprised how many idiots lose to mag,sentinel and ken. atleast justin is smart enough to triangle jump only when your in blockstun which will disable you from using assist temporarily. ofcourse you can push it away but you will end up getting hit and then a big combo will follow. he also plays a number of teams well like blackheart/cyclops/storm and things like that. i believe he can effectively use every character in the game. i cant wait for b5 to see where he will rank. i guarantee if he dosent get nervous he can win the whole thing. well these are just the thought of a person whos played him alot so dont argue with me Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 10:47 PM: If wong was 4 who did Tips and Tricks rate top 3? Posted by shadowfighta on 04:26:2001 12:18 AM: I think Duc, Valle, and Ortiz... not sure bout Ortiz tho Posted by dj-b13 on 04:26:2001 12:33 AM: yeah dude...I wanna C this guy in action... Posted by strider_hien on 04:26:2001 01:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by shadowfighta I think Duc, Valle, and Ortiz... not sure bout Ortiz tho yeah, but i think the order was 1)Duc 2)Ortiz 3) Valle How come Jchen was ranked 7th in CVS? Posted by LoserBoy on 04:26:2001 01:24 AM: cool Posted by Raz0r on 04:26:2001 02:01 AM: Re: re-post... quote: [i] Also about his Mag.....most of the Mags that you see on the EC have on some way shape or form been influenced bu Justins. Not to sound cocky for him or anything like that but he really does come up wit his own shit almost on a daily basis. When he pulled that Mag/Cammy combo, or that OTG hyper grab combo, or even the basic temepst combo took less than a week before I saw people picking Mag as a charecter all over NY. And as far as Tron and Mag go, O.J. and his infinate with those two charecters has to be one of the hardest to time combos to do. [/B] Lol, O.J.'s T.Bonne/Mag infinite was funny as hell. He tried to do that shit so many times this Friday I fell asleep watching him play John's turn. Anyways, Justin is the best Mag I've ever seen. Though JVT(I think the J stands for James, I'm not too sure) can pull that infinite off pretty well with Mag as well. Posted by LoserBoy on 04:26:2001 02:03 AM: cool alot of people know him Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:26:2001 04:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by shadowfighta I think Duc, Valle, and Ortiz... not sure bout Ortiz tho West coast players are always ranked above east coast players in tips and tricks Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:26:2001 06:44 AM: All I know is that until I see a vid of it I can only go by what everyone is saying. They say it is really good though. Posted by Mephisto on 04:26:2001 07:30 AM: Wut arcade does he play at again?? is it a big arcade or wut?! i dunno, how he can be so good with magneto, magneto can eazly be countered and any character that tries to rush the other can just be countered by a simple cammy anti air assist Posted by Wind on 04:26:2001 07:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mephisto Wut arcade does he play at again?? is it a big arcade or wut?! i dunno, how he can be so good with magneto, magneto can eazly be countered and any character that tries to rush the other can just be countered by a simple cammy anti air assist I believe he plays at the Chinatown Fair arcade in New York, NY. I wish I could see him play also. I want to see his Magneto in action. Posted by Voodoo on 04:26:2001 01:53 PM: Haha, the best was when he game down to GT for the first time, and blew away everyone here. "Who is that kid?" "He's just some scrub from NY." "So he's *not* the best up there?" "Well, no. At least not yet..." Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:26:2001 05:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mephisto i dunno, how he can be so good with magneto, magneto can eazly be countered and any character that tries to rush the other can just be countered by a simple cammy anti air assist No offense to you personally Mephisto but why do people keep saying things like that. I remember one person saying you should just jump and shoot with cable to keep his magneto away. You don't get to be the best by falling for stupid stuff, but apparently everyone who hasn't seen him play thinks that he plays like whoever thier local Magneto player is. Posted by Raz0r on 04:26:2001 06:55 PM: Lol, you can try to pin him all you want, but he'll get out. I call him the fucking Counter King. I've tried numerous traps and so have others but he just gets the best of you. You can go and TRY to defeat him, but when its all said and done, I put my money that he'll stand victorious. No offense to you or anything, but he's a great Magneto. No one else plays like him. You can put money on that. Posted by JaHa on 04:26:2001 08:41 PM: he should play the top players out here kali and see who wins..maybe hell show up at B5 Posted by §inn on 04:26:2001 10:12 PM: there are so many players... so little recognition... well were all scrubs til we win a SHGL }8^| Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:26:2001 11:15 PM: One more thing on this subject it's not like his magneto doesn't ever lose. I've seen it go down pretty quickly on a few occasions. The point of this post is that he still wins it's not that just one character. This isn't some expert Magneto holding down the fort for two scub ass characters. Posted by LoserBoy on 04:27:2001 12:36 AM: All times are GMT. The time now is 12:21 AM. Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.